- 24/09/2020
- Posted by: David Rees MS
- Category: News

Economy Minister Ken Skates is encouraging everyone in Mid and South West Wales to have their say on how the economies of both regions should look in the future.
The Welsh Government, supported by the Co-production Network for Wales, is working with partners in Mid and South West Wales to develop a set of priorities which will be key in helping both areas’ economies recover from the impacts of coronavirus and meet the challenges posed by the UK leaving the European Union
The regional economic frameworks will be vital in helping deliver prosperity for all and will determine what steps need to be taken for the regions to prosper, how it can be delivered and the important role organisations, businesses and local communities will have.
Individuals and groups, including children and young people, are being invited to share their thoughts on how they believe a positive change can be made for the future of both regions.
People will be able to provide their opinion as well as share their insight and experience on a wide range of issues relating to economic development, from tourism and transport to education and environment.
The views of everyone taking part will directly support the development of the frameworks.
Economy Minister, Ken Skates said: “Regional economic frameworks are an important part of my commitment for a more regionally focused approach to developing our economy.
“Our Chief Regional Officers and their teams have established effective working relations with business and partners across the region and I want to build on this.
“These frameworks will be crucial in helping shape activity in Mid and South West Wales and inform our policies, programmes and spending priorities. Key to their success is getting everyone with an interest involved and I am delighted that the Co-production Network for Wales is playing a key part in this process.
“We want individuals and groups across Mid and South West Wales to participate and think about the challenges we face, how we meet them and how we ensure our economy is thriving in the future.
“Working collaboratively is vital in making this happen and that is why it is so important that everyone with an interest gets involved in this conversation.
“These frameworks will underpin our work over the years to come and be key in developing an ambitious vision for a prosperous future economy.”
To get involved in the discussion, people can either participate online, request an activity pack to discuss with their colleagues, friends or communities or attend on of 12 events happening across the region in October and November.
The Welsh Government is aiming for the regional economic frameworks to be in place in early 2021.
For more information and to get involved, visit businesswales.gov.wales/mid-wales-and-south-west-wales-economic-frameworks or email [email protected]