Local Aberavon MS, David Rees, welcomes the launch of the Young Person’s Mental Health Toolkit.

The Welsh Labour Government have launched an online resource which promotes the numerous digital tools designed specifically to support young people with their own mental health and emotional wellbeing.


The Young Person’s Mental Health Toolkit links young people, aged 11 to 25, to websites, apps, helplines, and more to build resilience and support them through the Coronavirus pandemic and beyond. The simple design enables users to take control of their mental health through a medium that suits them, with information, self-help, and advice about how to seek further support embedded throughout.


The Toolkit is hosted on the Hwb educational platform where it can be accessed by anyone, and is made up of six categories of the most common issues affecting young people at this time:

  • Coronavirus and your wellbeing,
  • Keeping Healthy,
  • Anxiety,
  • Low Mood,
  • Loss, and
  • Crisis.


Each category contains a bespoke set of hyperlinks to further digital resources.


Welcoming the launch, David Rees MS, said:


“In a few short months we have seen society change as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic. It is impacting every aspect of our lives; people of all ages are having to face new situations and a new set of worries and concerns they may not have previously encountered. 


“I know that many young people are finding the current situation challenging. I am pleased that the Welsh Labour Government have recognised this by launching the Young Person’s Mental Health Toolkit which will support young people through this testing time and which is available now.”


“I hope that young people across Aberavon find it helpful and take a look at what support it can offer them during this increasingly difficult time.”

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