- 02/07/2015
- Posted by: David Rees MS
- Category: News

David Rees AM has joined forces with Age Cymru to support Scams Awareness month. The month is aimed at highlighting the types of scams and swindles that are being used by criminals to steal money.
Age Cymru say there are four basic types – online, telephone post and doorstep. Sadly many elderly people in particular fall victim to these scams.
Research has revealed that more than 2,500 scams were reported to trading standards departments in Wales between February 2012 and February 2013. However the figure could be the tip of the iceberg as the Office of Fair Trading believes only 5% of scams are reported, meaning that 50,000 scams could have been committed.
David Rees AM said:
“Scammers use speed, surprise and secrecy to catch people out and I am encouraging residents to take the time to talk about scams and to make themselves aware of the risks and methods involved. That is why Scams Awareness Month is so important.”
I welcome Age Cymru’s campaign to raise awareness among the elderly community and encourage everyone to follow their tips to avoid.”
“If people are unsure about anything to do with scams they can call the Citizens Advice consumer service on 03454 040506 or if anyone thinks they have been the victim of a scam, then they can call Fraud Action on 0300 123 2040.”
Age Cymru’s top tips to avoid:
- Never buy anything instantly on the doorstep, even if you are pressured.
- Never give strangers your financial details, eg bank account, credit card etc Police and banks will never ask for financial details by e-mail or on the phone. If they do it’s a scam.
- Never fall for direct marketing letters that claim you have won a fortune.
- Don’t be conned by hard luck letters or e-mails from abroad.
- Never hand over credit cards, bank details or cash to ‘couriers’.
- Use only reputable local traders for work on the house or garden.
- Don’t fall for lonely hearts scammers – they want cash not love
- Avoid investment ‘opportunities’ from cold callers, especially by phone.
- Destroy/shred financial letters before throwing them away