5 ways Wales is leading the way in delivering digital education services

The Welsh Government is regarded as a world-leader in digital service delivery for education. Here are just some of the reasons why.

  1. A Hwb of activity
    Hwb, an online learning platform for Wales, was originally launched in 2012.   Over the years, the platform has evolved in line with stakeholder feedback and now provides unparalleled access to a wide range of bilingual digital tools and content to support digital education transformation.

This also gives Wales the perfect platform to keep children and young people safe and learning during the coronavirus lockdown.

Throughout March 2020, usage of Hwb has significantly increased with more than 2.8m logins recorded – that’s an average of 92k logins every single day!

  1. Free Microsoft tools at home

Wales was one of the first countries in the world to secure a national licensing deal with Microsoft that ensures every learner and teacher in state schools have access to the latest Microsoft Office tools, including Minecraft Education Edition, on their personal devices at home.

  1. Adobe Spark nationwide roll out
    Wales has just become the first country in the world to deploy Adobe Spark nationally, enabling more than 500,000 teachers and learners across Wales to access Adobe Spark for Education.
  2. Bilingual learning

Through partnership working with tech giants such as Google, tools such as Google Classroom and a range of G Suite for Education tools are now available in Welsh. Welsh is the second smallest language in the world in which G Suite is available

  1. Stay Safe. Stay Learning

On Monday, April 20, Education Minister Kirsty Williams will publish Stay Safe. Stay Learning, which aims to support learners, leaders, governors, practitioners, parents and carers in dealing with the impact of coronavirus. Wales is the only UK nation to provide national guidance and tools in this coordinated way.

As part of Stay Safe, Stay Leaning, the Welsh Government is mobilising activities in conjunction with local authorities in Wales to support digitally excluded learners.


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